- The school year begins in the last week of March and continues till March. Major holidays are given for about six weeks in may-June.10 days for puja and 10 days for Christmas.
- Late arrival to school is a breach of discipline. a student who comes late to school must enter the date and time of arrival in the regulatory record under “late”. Classes begin at 8:00 am and end at 1.30 pm.
- Five late arrivals will result in parents being called to the office of principal. Ten late arrivals will invoke fine/suspension from the school.
- The classes will begin with an assembly and a prayer. All must positively be present for this.
- Regular attendance and discipline are essential. Therefore except in cases of illness, previous permission must be obtained for absence from the class and entry in the diary is to be made accordingly. The discipline is kind and parental, but necessarily strict.
- Students are expected to be neat and tidy in person and belongings. Refinement of manners and punctuality are expected at all times.
- Students will not be allowed.
- To leave the school during the school hours unless they submit to the principal an application from their guardians.
- To raise subscription.
- To organize any picnic or tournament without permission.
- Books are regularly issued to students from the school library. All other books, periodicals and magazines brought to the school must be submitted for approval to the principal.
- Students are expected to make good the damage of furniture and library books, laboratory equipments, sports articles or any other school property.
- Students are advised not to bring valuable articles to the school.
- Parents are requested to make complaints if any in writing to the principal and not to the class teacher.
- When the school is in session parents wanting to meet the principal, staff or students are requested to wait in the school parlour and not to go to class room or staff room. All such meeting are to be done in the school parlour.